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Anmerkung 2020-01-31 111903

Factors of Race & Nation in Marxist Theory: A superb materialist exposition of human prehistory and history from primitive tribes to modern capitalist nations (and the attempts to overthrow them). And a superb piece of literature. This new translation from the Italian is produced and published by the International Communist Party.

Available from the ICP, on Amazon.

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Anmerkung 2020-01-14 090124

Marxism and Darwinism: A new translation of Anton Pannekoek’s 1909 text. In very simple and accessible language, the Dutch socialist, mathematician and astronomer utterly demolishes the theories of those bourgeois Darwinists who have interpreted modern human society through the lens of evolutionary science. With notes and additional citations by the Association Archives Antonie Pannekoek (AAAP).

Published on Amazon. Also available from RedLines.

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We Are Prisoners: A translation of the autobiographical novel by Oskar Maria Graf. First published in 1927, it covers Graf’s early youth growing up in the village of Berg by Lake Starnberg, his cruel abuse by his older brother, his escape to Munich, where he worked as a baker, and then to anarchist communes in Switzerland. Graf is drafted into the army, where he reluctantly serves as a horse-groom on the supply trains. He is discharged as mentally unfit, spends a year in an asylum, then returns to Munich, working in a biscuit factory, starting his literary career and making money on the black market. We Are Prisoners (original: “Wir sind Gefangene”, first published in English with the title Prisoners All!) paints a fascinating picture of bohemian life in Schwabing and the radical politics of the time, climaxing with the struggles of the short-lived Bavarian Soviet Republic of 1919. It is an honest and blithe account, despite the difficult challenges and momentous events, but ultimately it is an odyssey towards personal and political maturity. Graf’s quirky literary style combines a self-deprecating and anarchic sense of humour, sympathy for the downtrodden and the Heimat genre of German culture.

This new translation includes a commentary on Graf’s life and literary contribution, annotations and short biographies of the personalities appearing in the book.

You will find some extracts on the blog page.

“He behaves disgracefully and provokes laughter and disbelief, but in so doing, he wins our hearts,” wrote Thomas Mann.

Published on Amazon.

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Eros in Prison: A translation of Karl Plättner’s Eros im Zuchthaus (1929). Plättner was imprisoned for his role in the March Action of 1921 and subsequent “expropriations of the expropriators”.  Based on personal experience and interviews with other prisoners, Eros in Prison explores the social consequences of enforced sexual abstinence. While working on the book Plättner advised William Dieterle on the production of the sensational film, Geschlecht in Fesseln (Sex in Chains). Translated and annotated, and with an introductory biography of Karl Plättner by Ed Walker. Foreword by the pioneer of sexual science, Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld.

Available from Housmans and Bookmarks or directly from RedLines.

Published on Amazon.

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The German Robin Hood. A translation of Max Hoelz’s autobiography, Vom weißen Kreuz zur roten Fahne (From the “White Cross” to the Red Flag) together with his Anlagerede gegen die Bürgerliche Gesellschaft (Indictment of Bourgeois Society) and other materials. With my introduction and notes.

Available from Housmans and Bookmarks or directly from RedLines.

Available from Amazon.